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Incredible Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine Nanorobots Medical Scicence

Science in its present form is not a very old phenomenon but it has proven extremely user friendly. It gleefully gives a mile when a yard is asked for. The aggressive scientific development is precisely due to the multiplication facility inherent in scientific discourse and practice.

Along with mind-boggling developments in material sciences, unheard of breakthroughs in physical sciences are also witnessed laden with prospects of completely transforming human life. Nanomedicine is one of them whose vast tentacles may probably outreach any other corresponding scientific development.

Nanomedicine, a still developing mode of scientific procedure, pertains to the medical application of molecular nanotechnology (MNT) exclusively for constructing microscopic biomechanical devices like nanomachines and nanorobots. Such devices are purported to be extremely tiny and could only be measured in one millionths of a meter dubbed as nanometer.

The ultimate aim of Molecular Nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms and molecules in a regulated, precise and controlled manner. In addition, nanorobots, programmed to perform specific biological tasks, will be injected into the blood stream and will work at the cellular level by repairing tissue, cleaning arteries, attacking cancer cells and viruses like AIDS and, in the longer run, to reverse the aging process.

Scientific calculations have proved that virtually all disease, injury and wear to the body can be traced to cellular level. The current medical technology is bereft of means to equip doctors to treat selective cells or edit disease from genetic code. Most important drawback of current technology is its harmful after-effects that tax human body and weaken it in the process. Even the most advanced surgical procedures cause incalculable stress to human machine. Moreover, many surgical procedures involve removal of entire segments of the body leaving a patient with many post-operative complications negatively affecting quality of life.

Although drugs are very potent these days but they also mostly treat byproduct of a problem and do not have the capacity to treat the problem itself. The biggest drawback of drug is that it indirectly affects the entire human body instead of directly treating an ailment. The most potent treatment of cancer, chemotherapy, indiscriminately kills cells, both healthy and cancerous, and the pity is that cancer sometimes returns.

The underlying assumption governing Nanomedicine is to take treatment to a level where standards of health maintenance and treatment are radically different. Vivo nanorobots are therefore equipped to travel directly to problem cells and repair whatever malady exists at cellular level without added trauma, pain and loss of body parts.

Nanorobots are built extremely tiny and they will be programmed to work in swarms injected into the bloodstream in aqueous solution. It is estimated that the first generations of people treated by Nanomedicine will be treated by using nanorobots to monitor body chemistry and carry medicine directly to cancerous cells. Later incarnations of nanorobots are expected to eradicate disease through prevention at an early stage, making later drug treatments unnecessary.

Scientists believe that nanorobots will repair organs by traveling to the organ itself and regenerating healthy tissue thereby eradicating the need for donated organs. Experts of Nanomedicine are quite sure that they will be able to reverse spinal damage and paralysis by repairing nerve, cartilage and bone and that regeneration of limbs will be ultimately possible. It may even be possible to reverse the aging process by repairing, and perhaps preventing, age-related wear on the body. The human lifespan and quality of life is expected to extend far beyond its current state.

The basic idea of Nanomedicine is to transform healthcare into a purely preventive process. By detecting malaise early, it could well be repaired much before it goes to the level where treatment is required. Nanomedicine also aims at drastically improving quality of human existence by erasing wrinkles, ridding the body of excess fat and cellulite, strengthening muscle and bone, restoring hair, and repairing vision.
The most unique quality of Nanomedicine is that its molecular tools will be manufactured in pollution-free nanofactories making it highly affordable. The procedure is portable and easily administered, with emphasis on self-direction.

Nanomedicine assures longer life and will create means to not only support a population that lives longer but to support it in a way that is healthy for the planet and does not require stripping it of its natural resources. That is the reason that these technologies are rated as green technologies.

An additional way of taking advantage of Nanotechnology could be to prepare for space colonisation by sending nanorobots and nanomachines to build structures and create ecosystems on other planets. Scientists are also exploring the avenues of altering human physiology in order to adapt better to atmospheric conditions of other planets.

Nanomedicine and nanorobots hold great promise for the future of humankind as in not too distant a future human race may not know what disease was. Even if a portion of what is predicted is correct we should be prepared to witness a collective miracle as has never seen by the world

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